We offer diagnostic and other forestry-related services. Forests are susceptible to various insect and disease pests as well as physiological problems.
In South Carolina, the largest dollar loss to coniferous forests is caused by bark beetle attacks, primarily the Southern Pine Beetle (SPB). Outbreaks of the SPB occur every 5-10 years and last up to four years.
Our services for this pest include initial diagnosis, hazard rating, a survey of specific stands for infestations, and training on the pest and strategies for loss minimization. We also offer SPB trapping to determine population trends and near-term project losses.
Annosus root rot is a major disease infecting pines. Losses occur primarily on sandy land following thinning of root disturbance. We can diagnose this disease and offer management advice for avoiding or lessening losses.
We also offer diagnosis and advice on other pests, including Pales and other weevils, pine sawflies, fusiform rust, pitch canker, and all others.

Hardwoods have their own insect and disease pest complexes. Heartrot fungi cause greater loss of fiber than fire and storms. Defoliators can eat the leaves from thousands of acres of forest. Borers can infest and kill trees.
The site and environmental issues can also cause losses. We can evaluate all of these to produce strategies for their mitigation.
Exotic Pests
In our new world of global trade, foreign insects and diseases are often introduced to areas where they have no natural enemies. Chestnut Blight, Dutch Elm Disease, and many other diseases and insects have been accidentally introduced into South Carolina. Currently, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is killing Hemlocks through their natural range here.
The Emerald Ash Borer (a pest from Asia) is attacking and killing Ash trees statewide. These are just two examples of native or introduced tree species being exterminated by exotic pests. We can provide identification, trapping, and monitoring of such pests to recommend control measures.